If the Bravo Cinematic Universe and ESPN had a baby, it would be Impersonal Foul. You in? Subscribe and tell your friends.
It’s 2011. You woke up at 3am to watch the Royal Wedding that we will no longer talk about. Kim Kardashian married that one “NBA” “Player”. And a high school in my home state released the viral hype video, Brookwood Where You At?, a song about…a football game.
Located in Loganville, Georgia, Grayson High School has a few “notable alumni” according to their Wikipedia page. A few MLB players, a former linebacker for Ole Miss, and a country music singer.
The day that damn video came out, everyone was talking about it—in Georgia at least. And now I can’t stop thinking about it.
The song is catchy and the video is actually edited…sort of professionally? The same year this video came out, Drake dropped Take Care along with the music video for The Motto.
Tell me these aren’t the same video.
But, it didn’t stop there. Brookwood had to respond. Of course they did. And boy did they respond with another sleeper hit, Grayson Step Your Game Up.
Situated in Snellville, Georgia, is Brookwood High School. You’ll find side parts, Vera Bradley bags, and this…response video.
I did some more pointless Googling and discovered that Brookwood has quite a few more “notable alumni” in that dumb section on their Wikipedia page. Besides your average MLB, NFL, and NBA players, I discovered that Doug Stamper went to Brookwood?! And the co-founder of AirBnb?!
It seems like Brookwood is, indeed, where it’s at.
To get more information on the response video, I connected with someone who helped make the video while they were a broadcasting student during their senior year at Brookwood.
The former student would like to remain anonymous, but I’ve got some very juicy (and pointless) information for this hyper-specific audience that is reading this newsletter.
An Interview With Someone Who Helped Make The Response Video
Whose idea was it to make the response video?
The entire school knew we had to respond. No one even asked IF we should. We just did.
What was your role in the video?
I mainly filmed, but I also helped with editing with our main editor.
How long did it take you to make it?
We worked extremely fast. Writing, music production, getting everyone together, filming and editing was done in less than two weeks. We all worked way harder on that video than our actual school work.
Did you guys ever think the videos were going to go viral?
Literally every student in the school was checking YouTube constantly to see how many views it was getting.
Editor’s note: As of publication, the response video has over 700K views.
How did the school administration react?
They loved it! They were actually proud of us, especially for keeping the lyrics clean.
Are you still friends with anyone from when you made the video?
I lost contact with the main people involved with the video, but that was the beauty of that video. Everyone in the school was involved in some way. It really unified everyone.
How did you decide who was going to be in the video?
We legitimately knew who was going to be singing/rapping on day one. There was some serious talent in that school and everyone knew it. We also knew we needed to get the cheerleaders and football team in there.
Were the kids who sang students at the school?
Everyone in the video was a student at the school. And everyone wanted to be in it.
How long did it take them to write the lyrics? Did the school have to approve the lyrics?
I think the lyric writing stage took the most time out of the two weeks. They wanted to make them as good as possible. And they succeeded. I don't think the school was aware of the project until it was done. We might have forgotten to ask permission... Oops.
Who actually won the game?!
We did! The whole reason they called us out in the first place was because we beat them and won the State Championship the year before.
Do you really think Grayson stepped their game up?
They did. If I remember right, they won State Championship that year. So we won the battle and they won the war. Credit where is due.
Zillow Listing Of The Week
Hawks star Trae “Put The Team On His Back” Young purchased a $1.5 million home in his home state of Oklahoma in 2019.
TMZ of course got the pics that no one asked for. Did an intern sneak into this house to take these? Help me help their photo department.
Also, go Hawks.
Not An Official Newsletter Section But I Had To Make One Called “The NFL Did What” Just For This
Other Pointless Gossip
Not gossip, but just wanted to put it in writing that Simone Biles is the G.O.A.T. I can’t wait for the “2020” Olympics. Lmao.
Scottie Pippen had a few things to say about Ben Simmons.
A baseball player vomed. And Kevin Durant reacted.

If the Bravo Cinematic Universe and ESPN had a baby, it would be Impersonal Foul. You in? Subscribe and tell your friends.